This is an AppleScript Studio Application.The main purpose of this program is to provide a simple interface to run shell Scripts in the terminal.The little program started out with about 3 or 4 buttons and now we are close to 100 buttons. The scripts that the buttons control do several different Things . When including local and remote operations there are close to 250 things that maintain1 can do .
These are the general things that you can do with maintain1.
- Daily clean up task, weekly cleanup task, monthly cleanup ,clean local cache, clean system cache, clean internet caches,remove terminal preferences,add tcsh login and log out scripts to home directory,flush lookupd cache,reboot computer,Restart Daemons, set ip buffer sizes to default, double the ip buffer sizes,let you pick the values for ip buffer sizes, set either-net to : 10baseT/UTP,100baseTX,1000baseTX,Auto.half-duplex,full-duplex.
- Real Time data for net connections , modem, either net,Airport,Firewire, and connections in general
.Real Time Logs, CUPS error,Cups Access, Lpr, Netinfo, Lookup, System, Apache error, Apache access, ftp, ppp.
- And more